Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Tonsai, Thailand

Tonsai beach in Southern Thailand is a climbers paradise.  Travelers of all sorts are everywhere.  Lots of hippies, climbers and regular tourists in every direction.  It has a music festival vibe with a very free environment where you can do to do as you please.  During the day everyone leaves the village to go climb, and at night everyone comes back to fill the restaurants and reggae bars.  It can be hard to get the motivation to climb, but once you do it's amazing.  All and all, a really fun place place with awesome vibes all around.
Photo of Railay Beach taken from the top of Candle Stick 6b+.
One of the many golden orb spiders seen all around South East Asia.  They are huge and can grow to be nearly the size of your hand!  Luckily they are not dangerous and about as poisonous as a bee sting.  Also, these huge spiders are entirely females, the males are 100th the size and can hardly be photographed.  They are often near the female somewhere in the web.
These monkeys live a great life.  On a beautiful beach where they are free to steal whatever they please from unsuspecting tourists.
A monitor lizard! These things are huge.  They're so large I thought I saw my first Komodo Dragon, but this is a very close relative.

Slackline after a day of climbing. 

Nick on the line.

Sunset seen every night from Tonsai Beach.

The warning sign. The Tonsai Tummy is an infamous stomach bug that manages to hit nearly anyone who spends over two weeks on the beach. No one knows where it comes from, if its a virus or if its bacterial. 

Dinner from Green Restaurant.  BBQ corn, chicken and vegetables with a side of salad.  Tastes great and I haven't gotten sick yet!

Yashin checking the guide book while on the way up Candlestick.

Nick climbing through the third pitch of Humanality 6b+, a classic multi-pitch climb here.  Arguably the most exposed climbing I have ever done.  I'm already looking forward to trying it again.

Yashin hanging out in a cave.

Long way down!

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